I started developing games with Flash. I know actionscript and actionscript 3. I developed 40+ games with flash and some applications. I also published some of these games to android. At 2016, I stopped using flash and started learning HTML5. These days I develop games with phaser framework and I prefer createJS for applications.

Also I do front end works too. As you can guess this site is developed by me from scratch. For other works I have done, you can check my profile. I know HTML, CSS and Javascript. Recently, I started learning PHP.

Some of the abilities I have:

Programming Languages

  • Javascript
  • Actionscript 3
  • Actionscript 2
  • Php

HTML5 Canvas Frameworks
(for game/app development)

  • Createjs
  • Phaser

Front End Development

  • Html
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery

A little game I developed with Phaser framework. The game isn't ready yet. For now we are trying to get the jetpack. You can see the jetpack at the top right of the screen.(Yes it is a jetpack :)):


The easiest way to reach me is through e-mail.

E-mail: omergunduz123@hotmail.com